Corporate Policies

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SAQCO ARABIA LIMITED CO. acknowledges the importance of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) aspects in all its activities for its employees, subcontractors, clients, visitors, and other people affected by our activities.

Our Company is committed to the elimination of personnel injuries, occupational illnesses, fire hazards and damage to property and equipment in all its operations; and to the prevention of impact to the environment, and public safety by:

  • Providing information, training and supervision for staff and subcontractors in how to ensure safety in all their activities;
  • Ensuring comprehensive identification and assessment of all HSE risks and ensuring prompt and appropriate mitigation and control measures in all its operations, including those executed by vendors, subcontractors;
  • Including HSE criteria in the selection and evaluation of subcontractors and vendors.
  • Ensuring the availability of appropriate human, technical and financial resources.
  • Review our objectives and achievements periodically for continual performance improvement of our processes.
  • Make amendments known to employees and subcontractor, through a proper communication and consultation process and by bringing this Policy to their attention.
  • Reiterating the responsibility and the right of every employee to stop his own work and to stop the work of others due to unsafe conditions or acts, and actively encouraging individuals who intervene to stop such actions and operations;
  • Defining safety reporting relationships within the Company and between Company’s field operations and Client.
  • Defining safety responsibilities, and procedures to ensure performance of the processes and activities which they are designed for.
  • Continually improving the effectiveness of this policy in accordance with ISO 45001:2018 & ISO 14001:2015
  • Implementation of this Policy is the direct responsibility of Management and of all employees involved with SAQCO ARABIA actions.

All employees have a duty to:

  • Behave responsibly and look after the environment, and of their own safety and that of their colleagues, employees, visitors, and subcontractors;
  • Report any deficiencies or damage, and incidents or near misses;
  • Attend training courses appropriate to their role and responsibilities as and when necessary.


SAQCO ARABIA Limited Co. is committed to ensure Quality compliance to the client requirements with regard to fitness for use, performance, safety & reliability of the products and services to be supplied to client, through implementation of an efficient Quality Management System.

At SAQCO ARABIA, QUALITY is at the center of our day-to-day operation, and our goal is to embrace sound QUALITY practices in every activity, projects and location.

We at SAQCO ARABIA strive to fulfil our responsibilities and obligations towards our people, our customers, our partners, our suppliers, our communities and all the stakeholders by committing to the following values.

  • Identify, understand, and meet our customers needs, focus on customer satisfaction, and implement improvements to increase their trust.
  • Identify innovative customized solutions aiming to bring added value solutions to our customers while optimizing cost.
  • Implement risks and opportunities methods to manage processes and projects for continues performance improvement.
  • Deliver products, system and services to the required quality, on-time and within budget meeting our customer’s requirements by acting proactively in every situation.
  • Take leadership and commitment for our work at all organizational levels.
  • Support and engage our people at all levels in a relentless drive to improve performance in delivering projects and services.
  • Continually improving the effectiveness of our adopted Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2015.
  • Increase the motivation and skills of our people through training and development initiatives.
  • Develop lean and consistent processes to continually enhance projects and service delivery across our field of operation.
  • Leverage our partners and suppliers’ strength to improve our business from design through product delivery, installation, and operation